In order to save you time from having to surf our shadow sites, we organized our files as follows: First we give a short description of every file used to compile our six shadow sites listed below. Then we list each shadow site and which files each site is composed of.
File Name: Description: (Size)
Please Note: For our own marketing purposes, all our shadow sites have been linked to our reseller info page which links to both our agreement page and, of course, the details page you are now reading . Please ignore these links and pages in regards to reselling from your own site.
Site Descriptions:
SS1 offers the most car-buying tips and book related information. It includes the following files: body1.html, body2.html, index.html, reviews.html, scenario.html, table1.html, table2.html, tactics.html, and testimonials.html. These 9 files use a total of 209KB of memory.
Similar to SS1, SS2 offers all the same files with the exception of the reviews.html page. These 8 files use 189KB of memory.
SS3 offers: body1.html, body2.html, index.html, table1.html, table2.html, and testimonials.html. These 6 files use 121KB.
SS4 promotes The Used Car Buyer's Manual I only. Files included are: index.html,table1.html, and testimonials.html for a total of 38KB.
SS5 promotes The Used Car Buyer's Manual II only. Files included are: index.html,table2.html, and testimonials.html for a total of 23KB.
SS6 does not offer car-buying advice and book excerpts, however it does include: index.html, table1.html, table2.html, and testimonials.html. If your site already offers car-buying advice from other sources this would be the best choice to avoid conflicts of interest. These 4 files use 56KB of memory.
Please keep in mind, the above shadow sites are just suggestions. You can copy these files and use them exactly as we have them set up or pick and choose the information that you feel works best for your company's site. If you wish to publish different excerpts than what we offer here, we would be happy to work with you further. Review the "table of contents" files to see other areas our publications cover and let us know what you would like more information on. Please contact Dave Austin.